Ichikawa-ha Goju-ryu Japan Karate-do Sosui-kai has specific requirements that must be met before any member can advance to the next grade.
This segment should be used as a guide for our members to know if, in addition to mastery of prescribed kata and techniques, they may be ready to advance to the next level of their karate-do training. For more information, please refer to the organizational by-laws.
Promotion to any Grade Requires Two Major Components:
1) Proficient knowledge of required material set forth for each grade.
2) Completion of time-in-grade requirements before promotion to the next grade.

Minimum Time-in-Grade Requirements for Promotion to Yodansha Grades
(Black Belt Level)
1) Shodan 初段 — 5 years minimum total training
2) Nidan 二段 — 1 year minimum training after attaining Shodan
3) Sandan 三段 — 3 years minimum training after attaining Nidan
4) Yondan 四段 — 3 years minimum training after attaining Sandan
5) Godan 五段 — 3 years minimum training after attaining Yondan
6) Rokudan 六段 — 5 years minimum training after attaining Godan
7) Nanadan 七段 — 5 years minimum training after attaining Rokudan
8) Hachidan 八段 — 5 years minimum training after attaining Nanadan
9) Kudan 九段 — 5 years minimum training after attaining Hachidan
10) Judan 十段 — 5 years minimum training after attaining Kudan
No Testing Required for Grades Above Godan

Criteria to Attain Kodansha Grades of Kudan and Judan
1) In order for an individual to achieve the grade of Kudan, in addition to the above requirement, the person must also be a minimum of 55 years of age and have a minimum of 35 years of training within the system.
2) In order for an individual to achieve the grade of Judan, in addition to the above requirement, the person must also be a minimum of 65 years of age and have a minimum of 40 years of training within the system.

In addition to Dan grading which awards technical proficiency, Ichikawa-ha Goju-ryu International Karate-do Sosui-kai also utilizes Shogo 称号 (teaching licenses) for instructors. This system is used to differentiate the levels of experience among our instructors within the organization.
This Licensing is as follows:
1) Renshi 錬士 — Available at Godan. Prospective Renshi must complete an extensive apprenticeship under the guidance of a senior instructor and pass a written examination. To be accepted into this apprenticeship, the individual must be of good character and a minimum grade of Yondan.
2) Kyoshi 教士 — Available at Nanadan. Prospective Kyoshi must have a minimum of 10 years experience at Renshi and either own a Shibu (branch) dojo or be actively teaching at a dojo within the organization.
5) Hanshi 範士 — Awarded at Kudan for exemplary teachers that have made valuable contributions to the organization.