Thirty Years of Training: The Principle of Ten, Ten & Ten
• The First Decade: The first 10 years of training are dedicated to the body. At this point, one is a student. Workouts are physically demanding in order to develope speed and power. Kata is at the first level of form.
• The Second Decade: The second 10 years of training are devoted to the mind. At this point. the student has developed into a disciple. The focus of training shifts to the understanding of kata, waza and most importantly, the heart and mind. Kata are Orthodox Form.
• The Third Decade: The third 10 years of training embrace the spirit. At this point, the disciple has matured into a teacher. During this time, training focuses on the unification of Body, Mind and Spirit through meditation, ki-waza and kokyu-waza. Kata are energy form.